in HK Immigration Department

Case description
HK residents have to apply travel document online and make their payment in advance or in person at the immigration department. There is a limited daily quota on-site, and the application process takes about 30 to 60 minutes or even longer to submit the documents, take an interview and make the payment at counters. HK immigration department set up a self-service kiosk to make it more efficient.
SPECTRA T300 has been installed in the Self-service kiosks at immigration department to assist the travel document walk-in application. It is accepting EPS to complete the application payment process. The whole procedures are completed in 5 minutes and complete payment instantly at a kiosk without shifting to a different counter. T300 is an all-in-one payment terminal which supports credit cards, debit cards, contactless cards and mobile payments.

From 14 May 2019, 28 Travel Document Submission Kiosks were in service at Immigration Headquarters and six Immigration branch offices. HK residents can submit their HKSAR passport applications by using the self-service Kiosks during office hours. The self-service application shortens the processing schedule from 60 minutes to 5 minutes, it is also reduced manpower at immigration office.